Briar & George

While we do not expect gifts, if you would like to contribute to our registry, we would be very grateful. As we have no fixed abode in New Zealand, but plan to head that way shortly, we have set up a furniture wishing well to help set up our lives in NZ. Briar has big dreams of corner couches that you can fully lie down on (anyone who has seen our London flat will understand); any small contribution towards this dream would be truly appreciated. Alternatively, should that sound too responsible, you can help us having a kick-ass honeymoon through Europe on our way home. With many thanks and much love, Briar & George


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All registries are password-protected, feature a custom URL and can be further personalised with your own photo and message.
You can also see who’s bought your gifts or contributed to your wishing well (great for taking the stress out of your thank you lists). Subscriptions run until four weeks after your event.

Choose from our three subscription plans to start creating your registry today.


  • Add gifts from our collections and featured stores
  • Set up a wishing well
  • Add gifts from any online store


  • Add gifts from our collections and featured stores
  • Set up a wishing well
  • Add gifts from any online store


  • Add gifts from our collections and featured stores
  • Set up a wishing well
  • Add gifts from any online store

Please note: When upgrading from a Gold subscription to a Platinum subscription you will only be charged the difference of $50.